Important Dates
Call for abstract submission 15th February 2025
Abstracts Submission Deadline 15th April 2025
Abstracts Acceptance Notification 15th May 2025
Payment deadline for accepted abstracts 31st May 2025
Poster Presentation Submission Deadline 20th June 2025
Oral Presentation Submission Deadline 20th June 2025
Conference 4-6 July 2025

Abstract Submission Guidelines
  1. Please read the instructions carefully, as abstracts submitted not according to these instructions will not be accepted.
  2. Abstracts can only be submitted online on the Malaysia Stroke Conference 2025 website. Delegates may submit more than ONE abstract (please use the same email address).
  3. Your abstract will appear in printing as submitted in MSC 2025 e-abstract book. Please ensure you check your data carefully before submitting.
  4. An acknowledgement email will be sent to you once you have successfully submitted your abstracts.
  5. Please contact the Congress Secretariat if you do not receive the acknowledgement letter.
  6. Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract. If you need to edit your abstract, kindly contact the conference secretariat at
  7. All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process by a panel of expert reviewers. Accepted abstracts will be selected for either oral or poster presentation. The MSC 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to re-categorize any accepted abstract to their relevant tracks. The decision of the committee is final and irrevocable. All accepted abstracts will be uploaded to the conference website.
  8. Authors will be notified of the method of presentation, which will be decided by the MSC 2025 Scientific Committee. Scheduling details and guidelines for the final preparation of the accepted presentation will be included with the notification of acceptance.
  9. Abstract submitters will be informed of the status of their abstracts once the reviewing process is completed.
  10. Judges’ decisions are final. No appeal will be entertained.

Eligibility Criteria
  1. Abstract submission is open to both local and international delegates.
  2. All abstracts submitted must be in English.
  3. Once an abstract is selected, at least one of the authors of the poster MUST register for the conference. Payment for conference registration should reach the Conference Secretariat before 31st May 2025 to ensure that your abstracts will be accepted.
  4. Abstracts submitted must follow the abstract submission guidelines, instructions and required information as stated. The MSC 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to disqualify the abstract if any needs are not met.
  5. Abstracts that have been previously presented in other conferences or recently published can be submitted but will be subjected to the reviewing process to determine their acceptance. Authors must supply details of the previous presentation/publications during submission. These abstracts will not be considered for Best Poster/Oral Awards.

Nature of Award

Certificates and cash awards will be given to Top 3 Best Poster Presentation & Top 3 Best Oral Presentation. This is not renewable. It is the prerogative of the awardee to decide on the disbursement of the monetary award to other authors of the winning paper.

Submission Instructions

Presentation: Select your presentation type: Poster Presentation or Oral Presentation

Category: Select the category which BEST describes the content of your abstract. Categories are used for reviewing and indexing purposes.
1) Clinical
2) Non-Clinical

Abstract title:
The title is limited to 120 characters excluding spaces and should be brief and relevant. Special characters should NOT be used in your title but spelt out instead (e.g. α should be written as alpha, β as beta). Only use standard abbreviations and generic drug names in the title. Capitalize each word in the title.

Names and Institution of Authors:
Presenting author’s name must be underlined. Please include the names and affiliations of each author.

Abstract body:

  • Structure: The abstract should have the following sub-headings: - Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Layout: Please fill in according to the sections provided. Do not include graphs, tables or illustrations in the abstract.
  • Word count: The abstract is limited to 300 words.

Only commonly accepted abbreviations should be used (e.g. OGTT, IGT, ACEI). Less widely recognized abbreviations may be used if introduced on first usage (e.g. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, ABPM).

Only approved and generic (non-proprietary) drug names should be used.

Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be uploaded on the website exactly as submitted

Submit Abstract

e-Poster Presentation
  • Presentation in the Poster Session will be numbered as listed in the programme.
  • The top of the final poster must have a label indicating its title, author(s), and institutions. Title headings can be in all capitals or in `titlecase’.
  • Use attractive graphics, colour and fonts to highlight the main points of your study.  
  • Your poster must consist of only 1 slide and should be composed with digital technical requirements as specified below.
File format PDF (.pdf)
Orientation & Format Portrait Format, Single-Slide Ratio 9:16
Dimensions in Pixel Minimum recommended size (format W x H) is 1125 x 2000px and maximum is 2250 x 4000px.
Dimensions in cm Minimum recommended size 29.7 cm x 42.0 cm A3 size dimensions OR use the template size provided.
Recommended fontsize Minimum 12 points
Sound No sound supported
Maximum file size 8 MB
  • An example of a poster template is available to download here.

  • All poster file submission should be done through the presenting author’s account in the Congress website portal by July 4, 2025.
  • There will be an active `Question & Answer’ chat accessible to congress delegates and the presenter throughout the conference and for 2 weeks after the conference.
  • The shortlisted e-Posters for awards will be shown in the allocated Congress programme session. The shortlisted presenters will be subjected to 5 minutes of LIVE discussion with a panel of appointed judges.